times flies.... is year end and is time for joy, love and sharing.... and is christmas time. this is the most miserable christmas time for me ... this month , too many bad things happens to me. but anyhow, i still need to be strong and cant give up easily. i dont wanna do so coz i have put so so so many efforts in what i have done. anyhow, this christmas really mean nothing for me. but i have a very very unforgetable memory. anyhow, my christmas wish is all my lovely friends and sista will be always happy and healthy... without u guys, i really won't be able to pass through my hardships easily. secondly, i wish to have a better tomolo. i believe the sun will come after the dark. and i will be waiting for that day.last but not least, hope to be happy :)
this year really nothing much, no celebrations and nothing special. just a simple lonely christmas with me and myself:)
anyhow, wishing everyone a very merry christmas.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
in these few bad days , i really really down and so so many things to be worried and settle. thanks god, i do have some really good friends as well as soulmates and sistas that gave me a hand and stand by me when i needed them.They also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as the exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. i really really appreciated that what u guys did to me. its been not easy to help while i'm so lost and in this critical situation. u guys really really meant a lot to me!!! xoxo
Monday, December 7, 2009
another day in the month december
well, nothing much... everything slowly get back to track. work and my life....but glad that i have attended a friend wedding today and so so so happy and glad that i have met a lot of old friends....suprisingly:) is 12 am and raining now, get back home and being alone again after the hastle and bustle wedding dinner...hmm... my mood is so complicated now... moody yet happy. funny right??? going to bed and wish for a better tomorrow... sweet dreams and sleep tight :) xoxo
Friday, December 4, 2009
the season of joy, love and sharing...

is december, the last month of the year 2009...its blistering hot and humid but sometimes raining like cats and dogs here, and thought it would be fun if i could write something about the season, the winter season, the christmas season… and see if i could mentally and vitually cool off…
my radio is playing the christmas oldies… these songs reminded me so so many sweet and unforgettable memories of this seanson of joy. espeacially while my radio played this song. this particular song that i really really in love with... and is my favourite christmas song among the all. coz i listened and knew this song since i was a kid:)
chestnuts roasting on an open fire
jack frost nipping at your nose
yuletide carols being sung by a choir
and folks dressed up like eskimos
everybody knows
a turkey and some mistletoe
help to make the season bright
tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
will find it hard to sleep tonight
they know the santa’s on his way
he loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
and every mother’s child is gonna spy
to see if reindeer really know how to fly
and so i’m offering this simple phrase
to kids from one to ninety two
although its been said many times many ways
merry christmas to you…
this speacial song reminded me to someone really special and mean to me during this season of joy, love & sharing. unfortunately, this person is no longer with me… the only thing left was the sweet memories… the priceless memories…i do missed her so so much... hope she is now living peace in the heaven.
still remember, someone ask me… why i like to keep old stuffs… books, magazines, vintage clothes & sunglasses, oldies, postcards, photos and antiques… i just told them… everything i collected and kept, there is a reason behind. especially memories and joy that money can't buy….
hahahaha… so, all my dear "OLD" friends, that i still keeping … u will get what i mean, u guys really mean to me!!! enjoy the last month of 2009 till fullnest!!!
henry g
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
miserable today and a better tomorrow

life could be a transit... u may be stopping in anywhere u want or go forward. life could be also a roller coster... always full with up and down. and, i'm totally down, coz i had a bad bad day!!! everything gone, hurt and scared in just a second... this happen while i was snatched by 2 assholes!!!! wat the FUCK!!!!! hmm... when i did my report, then i got to know this were the 30th cases...SHIT man!!!! do something, pls......
while things happen, only i realised that i have some really good friends and sistas that help, support and concern bout me... thank u guys. u all really my stars in the nite that lighten me up. muacks!!!
at the same time, someone did call and cheer my nite... even he didnt know something bad was happen to me. but u should know who u are if u read this:P i really had a good chat wid him... thanks j:)
need to take a good rest now with my "hurting" leg & "bleading" heart!!!! good nite and sure i will had a nightmare.... but everything bad already happen so,i'm hoping for a better tomorrow...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
viva diva ~ sandy lam

if you haven’t watched the concert of Sandy Lam before, then you haven’t really enjoyed the feeling of ‘live.Sandy is one of the very few leading Divas from Hong Kong of the Chinese Music Industry to be able to crossover between canto and mando pop with her critically acclaimed distinguished vocals, rendering her the top female singer in the region that includes Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysian and Singapore. Sandy is also billed by the media as one of the spokeswoman for modern urban women.
Not only that, being the cross generation female singer, Sandy is also idols to many leading young singers. For instance, Malaysia’s no. 1 singer, Fish Leung expressed that Sandy is her most favourite singer of all time. Hins Cheung at his concert, sang Sandy’s song throughout the show while Kay Tse, another popular new idol, imitates Sandy at her concert and the current canto-pop no. 1, Eason Chan announced on stage that he finally got to duet with his Idol, Sandy Lam.
i was so pleased and glad that i've watch the concert last nite.... amazing!!!! that's a real DIVA!!! viva Sandy!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
villiam ooi s/s '10 collection

Nowadays, dressing up is philosophy and knowledge. Everyone needs to know as well as understand about themselves from body, skin complexions, background, people they meet and etc. Coz from this , they can bring out their own character. That's the philosophy from Villiam and i do agreed with him.
Meanwhile, from reasons that are purely instinctual, the emotional fallout of last year's economic crash seems to be leading a lot of creative people to think fundamentally about the vast outdoors, landscape, the elements. That affected Villiam’s inspiration too. Fashion should be equal to daily wear and needs not a demand and nothing extra.
So, Villiam’s 2010 spring summer collection is a creation of daily wear and basic clothing. So, everyone can create their own style, mix and match and wear it to any occasions. This concept is implements to both casual and dinner wear.
No beading and nothing superfluous…just a touch of basic color such as black and white, patches and joining of fabrics, that’s the born of this collection.
Villiam do rock the afternoon and i think his collections was impressed. something simple, easy to wear and really fun with fashion:)
Friday, November 20, 2009
if i were a boy... a girl, perhaps....

friday nite, and is a gathering ,dinner, drink and chit chatt~ing with few good "sistas"... well, while on the way, beyonce latest album was played in my friend'c car.... suddenly i heard a song... if i were a boy. well, then i asked the ladies, what u think if u could be a boy??? everyone have different perceptions and thinking of what they can do if they were boys... they passed the same questions to me, if u a girl what would u do???? i told them, if i'm a girl i will choose to be a slut coz i dont believe in true love!!!! hahahahaha... funny rite??? but for me i think y not??? guys can flirt around and y not a girl do so... everyones laughed:)
while i came back frm the gathering, i start google on the mtv of that song.The music video for "If I Were a Boy", directed by Jake Nava, was shot in black and white and portrays a narrative about an ordinary day for a couple in a role reversal that is hinted at by the lyrics but is visually revealed only at the end of the video. It begins with Knowles and her husband reciting words such as "intimacy", "honesty", "commitment", "me", and "you". The song starts as her husband prepares breakfast and Knowles takes off to her job as police officer with an attractive male police partner (played by model Ryan Locke) with whom the sparks are clearly flying. While her curves are admired by the police partner, her husband is spending time at his office job looking up a pair of earrings to buy for her online. The husband calls Knowles, only to be ignored by his wife, who is out having a beer "with the guys." That night the husband gives Knowles the earrings and the two leave for a party at which he catches her dancing intimately with her police partner. As the husband confronts her at home, the reversal is revealed and roles are restored; we learn that the husband is actually the police officer with an attractive female partner. Knowles is the office worker who has been snubbed.
i love it and so do the lyrics:~
If I were a boy
even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
and throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
and chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
and I'd never get confronted for it
cause they stick up for me
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
so they'd think that I was sleeping alone
I’d put myself first
and make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’ll be faithful,
waiting for me to come home, to come home.
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake,
think i'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
you thought wrong
But you're just a boy
You don't understand
and you don't understand, ohhhh
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you're taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy
this is a good song... a song that tell a story... feeling it now!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
well, i had a long chat wid a fren of mine... from him i have learnt on how to compromises. "compromise is the key to good negotiation. You need to be able to give in a little to get closer to what you want. " this is what he told me....
It’s not easy for everyone to make friends. Once you have friends, it takes dedication and work on both parts to keep the friendship going. True friends are hard to find, and lifelong friends can be a rare gem. In order to maintain a good friendship, you will have to take time to nurture and develop your friendship. In order to have a good friend, you have to be a good friend. As soon as you realize that, your friendships will greatly improve! hmm.... is so true!!!
meanwhile, there are more compromises while come to relationship....Compromise involves two parties both giving up something they want. In a marriage, couples often refuse to compromise because they believe their right about a particular issue in the marriage. When couples can no longer compromise with each other divorce may be on the horizon of the relationship...
stop fighting and start compromise with your friends, partners or significant others.... at least i learnt something that i never thought of, maybe all this while i really don't know what and how to compromise... what a sad story...:( but i feel glad that i have group of understanding friends and family that really compromise a lot to me. i really mean it!!! thanks to everyone who do so to me....
It’s not easy for everyone to make friends. Once you have friends, it takes dedication and work on both parts to keep the friendship going. True friends are hard to find, and lifelong friends can be a rare gem. In order to maintain a good friendship, you will have to take time to nurture and develop your friendship. In order to have a good friend, you have to be a good friend. As soon as you realize that, your friendships will greatly improve! hmm.... is so true!!!
meanwhile, there are more compromises while come to relationship....Compromise involves two parties both giving up something they want. In a marriage, couples often refuse to compromise because they believe their right about a particular issue in the marriage. When couples can no longer compromise with each other divorce may be on the horizon of the relationship...
stop fighting and start compromise with your friends, partners or significant others.... at least i learnt something that i never thought of, maybe all this while i really don't know what and how to compromise... what a sad story...:( but i feel glad that i have group of understanding friends and family that really compromise a lot to me. i really mean it!!! thanks to everyone who do so to me....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
if 2012 is the end of the world
2012 is a big hit now.... everyone around me is keep talking bout this topics and dying to watch this movie!!!! well, suddenly something bumped into my mind. what will u do before 2012 if this really happen ???? tell me or write me a comment, really wish to know what's everyone thinking....
i wish i could have a hermes birkin or a colture by any designers....hahahahahaha... i know i'm sick and materialistic ... but this is what a fashionista's need. don't u agree???
i wish i could have a hermes birkin or a colture by any designers....hahahahahaha... i know i'm sick and materialistic ... but this is what a fashionista's need. don't u agree???
when henry meet henry

its been quite sometimes i didn't enter cinema... the reasons were i'm too busy, no dates and no time.... ridiculous right!!! but this is 100% true... well, been so bored this few days... don't know why, may be my mood is just like the weeather nowadays... moody.... that's the reason i took a break and went to watch a movie -the time traveler's wife.
the strory is about a Chicago librarian suffers from a rare genetic disorder that sends him hurtling through time whenever he is under extreme duress; despite the fact that he vanishes at inordinately frequent and lengthy intervals, he attempts to build a stable future with the beautiful young heiress he loves. Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams star in this dramatic fantasy, which is directed by Robert Schwentke and based on the best-selling book by author Audrey Niffenegger.
Clare has been in love with Henry her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler--cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.
i was so in love with the movie... i wish i could be that "henry"... can travel through time... this is really a good movie, i was touched and teared... going to buy the novel soon:)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
my interview in china press 12/11/ 2009

i was suprised while i received a sms frm my friend... asking me to buy the china press... ended up was shocked coz i saw 2 full pages of my interview published in that paper... thanks for the support :)
愛美麗事物的Henry Gan,從小就想當一名時裝設計師,因為家人反對,而轉投攝影界,但他從來沒有放棄對時尚的欲望,如今,他不但是一名造型師,更設立自家品牌,當起時裝設計師。
故,助長了現今職場掀起一股“多棲”風;一來能開拓更寬闊“錢途”,也提供了發揮個人潛能的平台。就像今期的主題人物Henry Gan,因為愛時尚,而逐步“滲透”此事業領域的中心地帶,覆蓋多項專長的領域裡。
“從事造型師工作,最需要的是尋獲可以隨性變換出不同風格的作品。它不一定要很入流,卻不會過時,每一次穿著都會覺得很好玩,可以fun with fashion。”
Saturday, November 7, 2009
suprise from mifa

ONE of Malaysia’s most anticipated events of the year is back, promising to be bigger and better than ever before. Scheduled to take place from Nov 4 to 8, the five-day Malaysia International Fashion Week 2009 (M-IFW ‘09) comprising 18 fashion showcases by 99 designers will be held at the Pavilion Kuala Lumpur.
This year will see more international flavour added to the runway. To name a few, the audience will be awed by top New York-based Japanese supermodel Ai Tominaga, 10 top models from Beijing, China and several guest designers from Hongkong, India, Japan, Thailand, China and Indonesia...
the best part was i can finally met my idol - ai tominaga:) i really can't breath while she walk on the runway. she rocks this event!!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
stary stary nite

its 4 in the morning.... i'm still searching and working with my white apple.... wid cup of coffee and continue playing vincent by don mclean. i really love this song and wish i could go to bed now and dream .... any dream will do... coz i cant stop dreaming on u now...gosh!!!!
Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land
Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now
Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflecting Vincent's eyes of China blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hands
Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now
For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you Vincent
This world was never meant for one as
beautiful as you
Starry, starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget
Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
A silver thorn on a bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow
Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will
Monday, September 14, 2009
陰天 ~ karen mok
陰天 在不開燈的房間 當所有思緒都一點一點沉澱
愛情究竟是精神鴉片 還是世紀末的無聊消遣
香煙 氳成一灘光圈 和他的照片就擺在手邊
傻傻兩個人 笑的多甜
開始總是分分鐘都妙不可言 誰都以為熱情它永不會減
除了激情褪去後的那一點點倦 也許像誰說過的貪得無厭
活該應了誰說過的不知檢點 總之那幾年感性贏了理性那一面
陰天 在不開燈的房間 當所有思緒都一點一點沉澱
愛恨情慾裡的疑點 盲點 呼之欲出 那麼明顯
女孩 通通讓到一邊 這歌裡的細微末節就算都體驗
若想真明白 真要好幾年
回想那一天 喧鬧的喜宴 耳邊響起的究竟是序曲或完結篇
感情不就是你情我願 最好愛恨扯平兩不相欠
感情說穿了 一人掙脫的 一人去撿
男人大可不必百口莫辯 女人實在無須楚楚可憐
總之那幾年 你們兩個沒有緣
well, the weather and my mood is just like the song.... moody and such a monday blue!!! hope everything will go smooth today *v* cheers...
愛情究竟是精神鴉片 還是世紀末的無聊消遣
香煙 氳成一灘光圈 和他的照片就擺在手邊
傻傻兩個人 笑的多甜
開始總是分分鐘都妙不可言 誰都以為熱情它永不會減
除了激情褪去後的那一點點倦 也許像誰說過的貪得無厭
活該應了誰說過的不知檢點 總之那幾年感性贏了理性那一面
陰天 在不開燈的房間 當所有思緒都一點一點沉澱
愛恨情慾裡的疑點 盲點 呼之欲出 那麼明顯
女孩 通通讓到一邊 這歌裡的細微末節就算都體驗
若想真明白 真要好幾年
回想那一天 喧鬧的喜宴 耳邊響起的究竟是序曲或完結篇
感情不就是你情我願 最好愛恨扯平兩不相欠
感情說穿了 一人掙脫的 一人去撿
男人大可不必百口莫辯 女人實在無須楚楚可憐
總之那幾年 你們兩個沒有緣
well, the weather and my mood is just like the song.... moody and such a monday blue!!! hope everything will go smooth today *v* cheers...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
kisses... muacks:)
"F" kiss types. If you find some that catch your fancy, feel free to try them :-)
Butterfly Kiss - With your faces less than a breath away, open and close your eyelids against your partners. If done correctly, the fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart.
Cheek Kiss - A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. Often the preferred kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.
Earlobe Kiss - Gently sip and suck the earlobe. Avoid louder sucking noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors.
Eskimo Kiss - With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub your noses together.
Eye Kiss - Hold your partner's head with both hands and slowly move their head in the direction you wish your kiss to go... then slowly kiss up towards your partner's eyes and give them a tender kiss on top of their closed eyes.
Eyelid Kiss - While your partner is resting/sleeping with eyes closed, very very gently kiss the spot right below their browbone. A very intimate kiss.
Finger Kiss - While laying together gently suck on their fingers. This can be very seductive and pleasurable.
Foot Kiss - An erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently suck the toes and then lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the foot while performing the kiss.
Forehead Kiss - The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. The forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your lips lightly across the crown of their head.
Freeze Kiss (or Melt Kiss) - Experiment with this fun kiss. Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an erotic and sensual french kiss with a twist of cold.
French Kiss - The kiss involving the tongue. Some call this the "Soul Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the French call this "The English Kiss".
Fruity Kiss - Take a small piece of fruit and place between your lips (juicy fruits such as grapes, strawberries, small pieces of pineapple or mango are ideal). Kiss your partner and nibble one half of the piece of fruit while they nibble the other until it breaks in half, allowing the juice to run into your mouths.
Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.
Hickey Kiss - The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in erotic foreplay.
Hostage Kiss - Cover your lips with tape and get your love's attention. When they come near, make noises like you're trying to tell them something and motion as if you can't get the tape off. Once they remove the tape from you to hear what you're trying to say tell them: "I've been saving my lips all day just for you!" Then kiss your love passionately!
Hot and Cold Kiss - Lick your partner's lips so that they're warm, and then gently blow on them. The sudden cold blast makes for a sensual explosion, and they will often try it on you next, as well as get very passionate.
Mistletoe Kiss - Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle holiday kiss under the mistletoe. This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover.
Letter Kiss - Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the letter x several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as XXXXX.
Lick Kiss - Just before kissing, gently run your tongue along you partners lip whether it be the top or bottom one depending on the position of your lips. Very sensual.
Lip Sucking Kiss - When kissing gently suck on their lower lip. This can be very exciting.
Neck Nibble Kiss - Gently nibble up and down your partners neck. End with a gentle kiss on the lips.
Nip Kiss - This kiss can create a very erotic sensation. While kissing your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips. You must be very careful not to bite to hard or hurt your partner. When done correctly, this kiss ignites wonderful sensations.
Reverse Lips Kiss - It involves standing above your lover and kissing them from over their head. This way, each kisser can take the hyper-sensitive bottom lip of thier lover in their mouths, and GENTLY draw blood to the surface of the lip by nibbling and sucking. A very sensuous, connecting kiss.
Searching The Cavern - Use the lips and tongue to gently tickle and kiss your lover's navel. Vary speeds and stroke to change sensation. Invigorating and intoxicating.
Shoulder Kiss - Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss.
Sip Kiss - Take a small sip of your favorite drink. Leaving a little bit of it on your lips, kiss your partner. It is a unique way to create a sensual feeling and your partner will enjoy it.
Talking Kiss - Whisper sweet nothings into your partner's mouth. If caught in the act, simply say as Chico Marx, "I wasn't kissing her. I was whispering into her mouth."
Teaser Kiss - Starting on the forehead, a sweet short kiss on lips, then move up the arms up to her hand, kiss her hand, then come back up her arm, to her face and then lightly kiss her lips till she wants a passionate kiss.
The Buzzing Kiss - Gently place your lips against your lover's neck , behind their ear. Now, send a shudder through their skin by gently growling and humming, vibrating your lips and cheeks as you do so. Move up and down the neck, over the bones of the face and lips. Stimulating and erotic when done correctly.
The Whipped Cream Kiss - Dip your finger into some cool whip or whipped cream of your choice. Lick it off slowly, then embrace your partner and kiss them deeply letting their tongue slip over yours for a wonderfully sweet kiss. It's very seductive and passionate.
Tiger Kiss - Quietly sneak up behind your partner making sure they do not know what you are going to do. Out of the blue, grab them and gently bite their neck. Make sure to get a few good growls in too. This will surely surprise them.
Trickle Kiss - Take a sip of a favourite drink and trickle it slowly into partner's mouth while kissing.
Tongue Sucking - A variation of the French kiss. During an open-mouth kiss gently suck on your partner's tongue (not too hard because it may hurt). Very sexy :-)
Quickie Kiss - When you're in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather than the lips.
Vacuum Kiss - While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partners mouth. This is a playful kiss.
Wake Up Kiss - Before your partner awakes lean over and kiss their cheek and move over giving soft kisses until you reach their lips. Definitely a more than pleasant way to wake up!
Virtual Kiss - For Internet lovers. Send an e-card or a kiss via email with this symbol: :-*
Butterfly Kiss - With your faces less than a breath away, open and close your eyelids against your partners. If done correctly, the fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart.
Cheek Kiss - A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. Often the preferred kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.
Earlobe Kiss - Gently sip and suck the earlobe. Avoid louder sucking noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors.
Eskimo Kiss - With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub your noses together.
Eye Kiss - Hold your partner's head with both hands and slowly move their head in the direction you wish your kiss to go... then slowly kiss up towards your partner's eyes and give them a tender kiss on top of their closed eyes.
Eyelid Kiss - While your partner is resting/sleeping with eyes closed, very very gently kiss the spot right below their browbone. A very intimate kiss.
Finger Kiss - While laying together gently suck on their fingers. This can be very seductive and pleasurable.
Foot Kiss - An erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently suck the toes and then lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the foot while performing the kiss.
Forehead Kiss - The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. The forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your lips lightly across the crown of their head.
Freeze Kiss (or Melt Kiss) - Experiment with this fun kiss. Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an erotic and sensual french kiss with a twist of cold.
French Kiss - The kiss involving the tongue. Some call this the "Soul Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the French call this "The English Kiss".
Fruity Kiss - Take a small piece of fruit and place between your lips (juicy fruits such as grapes, strawberries, small pieces of pineapple or mango are ideal). Kiss your partner and nibble one half of the piece of fruit while they nibble the other until it breaks in half, allowing the juice to run into your mouths.
Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.
Hickey Kiss - The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in erotic foreplay.
Hostage Kiss - Cover your lips with tape and get your love's attention. When they come near, make noises like you're trying to tell them something and motion as if you can't get the tape off. Once they remove the tape from you to hear what you're trying to say tell them: "I've been saving my lips all day just for you!" Then kiss your love passionately!
Hot and Cold Kiss - Lick your partner's lips so that they're warm, and then gently blow on them. The sudden cold blast makes for a sensual explosion, and they will often try it on you next, as well as get very passionate.
Mistletoe Kiss - Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle holiday kiss under the mistletoe. This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover.
Letter Kiss - Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the letter x several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as XXXXX.
Lick Kiss - Just before kissing, gently run your tongue along you partners lip whether it be the top or bottom one depending on the position of your lips. Very sensual.
Lip Sucking Kiss - When kissing gently suck on their lower lip. This can be very exciting.
Neck Nibble Kiss - Gently nibble up and down your partners neck. End with a gentle kiss on the lips.
Nip Kiss - This kiss can create a very erotic sensation. While kissing your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips. You must be very careful not to bite to hard or hurt your partner. When done correctly, this kiss ignites wonderful sensations.
Reverse Lips Kiss - It involves standing above your lover and kissing them from over their head. This way, each kisser can take the hyper-sensitive bottom lip of thier lover in their mouths, and GENTLY draw blood to the surface of the lip by nibbling and sucking. A very sensuous, connecting kiss.
Searching The Cavern - Use the lips and tongue to gently tickle and kiss your lover's navel. Vary speeds and stroke to change sensation. Invigorating and intoxicating.
Shoulder Kiss - Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss.
Sip Kiss - Take a small sip of your favorite drink. Leaving a little bit of it on your lips, kiss your partner. It is a unique way to create a sensual feeling and your partner will enjoy it.
Talking Kiss - Whisper sweet nothings into your partner's mouth. If caught in the act, simply say as Chico Marx, "I wasn't kissing her. I was whispering into her mouth."
Teaser Kiss - Starting on the forehead, a sweet short kiss on lips, then move up the arms up to her hand, kiss her hand, then come back up her arm, to her face and then lightly kiss her lips till she wants a passionate kiss.
The Buzzing Kiss - Gently place your lips against your lover's neck , behind their ear. Now, send a shudder through their skin by gently growling and humming, vibrating your lips and cheeks as you do so. Move up and down the neck, over the bones of the face and lips. Stimulating and erotic when done correctly.
The Whipped Cream Kiss - Dip your finger into some cool whip or whipped cream of your choice. Lick it off slowly, then embrace your partner and kiss them deeply letting their tongue slip over yours for a wonderfully sweet kiss. It's very seductive and passionate.
Tiger Kiss - Quietly sneak up behind your partner making sure they do not know what you are going to do. Out of the blue, grab them and gently bite their neck. Make sure to get a few good growls in too. This will surely surprise them.
Trickle Kiss - Take a sip of a favourite drink and trickle it slowly into partner's mouth while kissing.
Tongue Sucking - A variation of the French kiss. During an open-mouth kiss gently suck on your partner's tongue (not too hard because it may hurt). Very sexy :-)
Quickie Kiss - When you're in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather than the lips.
Vacuum Kiss - While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partners mouth. This is a playful kiss.
Wake Up Kiss - Before your partner awakes lean over and kiss their cheek and move over giving soft kisses until you reach their lips. Definitely a more than pleasant way to wake up!
Virtual Kiss - For Internet lovers. Send an e-card or a kiss via email with this symbol: :-*
Saturday, August 29, 2009
my working days.....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
g's ~ my own label of clothing

finally!!!! my own baby was borned.... well, the baby i mean is my own label of clothing named g's. really gald that i could have my own label of clothing. this was my dream since i was a child... i feel blessed that i can turn my passion in fashion to my own career... anyhow, this is not easy... coz i have been through lots of hardships ... but feel so cool coz lots of friends did supports and gave me a hand while in the progress of producing my ownclothing line...
just drop by my closet @ 1st floor sg. wang to have a look!!!
i'm back!!!!

wow!!! it's been a couple of months that i didn't update my blog... coz so so busy with my projects.... been through lots of things as well as projects.... the most memorable project that i have done this year was the astro star quest!!! from the couple of months work together with lots of peoples and do make a lot of new friends.... such a happy and memorable moments... miss those were the days we were together... meanwhile, can see all the contestants grown up day by day...
anyhow, really appreciated what i have been trought!!! cheers....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
my lovely mei mei

"We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made."-- M.Facklam
I'm totally agree with the quote by M. Facklam... mei mei is my lovely princess.... she is my close friend, my partner, my defender ,my baby... I'm her life, her love and her leader. she is always mine no matter I m up or down, faithful and true accompany pass through all my hardships....to the last beat of her heart!!!
That's why we need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals... In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.
As saying " dogs are men's best friend"... Don't u agree?!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
being thirty....
"You're turning 30? Holy! Do you feel old?"
"Well, I didn't until now."
"Sorry…it's just so…old."
I've been hearing this for the last couple of weeks. I just turned 30 last week and man, do people make a fuss over it. I thought it was going to bug me, but other than the actual celebrating of the 'coming of age' I still feel the same. I'm still young…aren't I? After pondering this stupid question in my head while I sat staring blankly at the wall for a mere 14 hours I decided I'd make a list of the things that are different now that I'm old…er, older.
"Well, I didn't until now."
"Sorry…it's just so…old."
I've been hearing this for the last couple of weeks. I just turned 30 last week and man, do people make a fuss over it. I thought it was going to bug me, but other than the actual celebrating of the 'coming of age' I still feel the same. I'm still young…aren't I? After pondering this stupid question in my head while I sat staring blankly at the wall for a mere 14 hours I decided I'd make a list of the things that are different now that I'm old…er, older.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
show girls vs models
hmm.... i'm so depress that lots of malaysian show girls love to named themselves as a "model".... don't they know what's the different between show girl and model??!!!
"Showgirl" is often used as a term for a promotional girl in trade fairs and car shows, etc. These young women often have no dance or entertainment skills but are there to attract attention to their sponsors' products with their beauty.
meanwhile, model (from Italian: modello) is a person who is posed or displayed for the purpose of art, fashion, or other products and advertising.
Modeling is distinguished from other types of public performance, such as an acting, dancing or mime artistry, although the boundary is not well defined. Appearing in a movie or a play is generally not considered to be modeling, regardless of the nature of the role. However, models generally have to express emotion in their photographs, and many models have also described themselves as actors.
Types of models include glamour, fashion, fitness, bikini, fine-art, and body-part models.
Not all models are beautiful: character models portray ordinary people and humorous types, mostly in print work and in commercials. Photo manipulation and cosmetic surgery also enable people with body imperfections to model and change their looks to suit a certain role.
Various representations of beauty and fashion using models have caused controversy and is known to have some social impact, particularly on young people - both male and female.
so, please bare in mind and don't SIMPLY name someone as "MODEL"!!!!
"Showgirl" is often used as a term for a promotional girl in trade fairs and car shows, etc. These young women often have no dance or entertainment skills but are there to attract attention to their sponsors' products with their beauty.
meanwhile, model (from Italian: modello) is a person who is posed or displayed for the purpose of art, fashion, or other products and advertising.
Modeling is distinguished from other types of public performance, such as an acting, dancing or mime artistry, although the boundary is not well defined. Appearing in a movie or a play is generally not considered to be modeling, regardless of the nature of the role. However, models generally have to express emotion in their photographs, and many models have also described themselves as actors.
Types of models include glamour, fashion, fitness, bikini, fine-art, and body-part models.
Not all models are beautiful: character models portray ordinary people and humorous types, mostly in print work and in commercials. Photo manipulation and cosmetic surgery also enable people with body imperfections to model and change their looks to suit a certain role.
Various representations of beauty and fashion using models have caused controversy and is known to have some social impact, particularly on young people - both male and female.
so, please bare in mind and don't SIMPLY name someone as "MODEL"!!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
the gathering of friends...

When it comes to hanging out with friends, one can be sure that it is going to be absolutely amusing and unlimited fun. The talks seem to go on forever and any silly topic can become a point of lengthy discussions. Be it the latest trend in jewelry, the latest gadgets, old classic movies, the cute neighbor next door, work related pressures, there is no end to the list. In this stressful age, getting together with friends has become a luxury than a daily routine. I consider myself lucky coz i get to hang around with friends often.
it's such a pleasure moment while a group of friends able to gather and have fun together... so cool!!! we are not just friend but use to be coleagues and working partners...now we are like "family". even now everyone is busy with own life and career, but still will spend some precious moment together. this is really cool...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
my 25 random things

though is non-sense and wasted time ...
But.. the more i write, the more i enjoy ... Here are my 25 random things ... ...
1) I love asam laksa. Enjoy eating at the penang. Wish to visit there if i could.
2) Italy - the country i wish to migrate to, one day. wish to shower with all the international labels everyday....
3) I love seafood, especially Prawns & Crabsss.. but..i's so lazy to remove all the shells....
4) I don't have many friends.. as i believe at "Qualitative is better than Quantitative", and i appreciate them very much.
5) I love buying shoes - different designs & brands.... i even custom made my own....
FYI, I own more than 80 pairs of shoes and is increasing....
6) I always wish to update my blogs, to share with my friends hows my life's going on.
7) Am not really tough, capable, smart, hardworking as you think. And, am not STUBBORN and GRUMPY too.
8) I do have a big wardrobe @ my home and do think i want it too. Am not satisfy with current's ones. As i really like to "change" ...
9) I love lepak ~ ing @ cafe and enjoy that moment (sometimes). But too bad, hardly to find one to company.
10) Am ambitious and love challenges. But ... truly believes - self achievement and happiness meant the most
11) "Causes and Effects" - it's always in my mind.
12) I love Faye Wong... as she is my idol and inspired me....
13) I love shopping for clothes ... but wanna clarify that i m not a branded person .. am not a really loyal- member to those branded-shopss..
14) I've plan for my new collection... wish to launch it ASAP:)
15) I love to go for hair-cut, especially when am not in bad mood or in the good mood (**haha ..bull shit~ing)
Glad to know MIKO and love every single hair cut he suggested to me...
16) I love number 2 and 8. Coz my birthday is on february and 8 is fatt in cantonese.... means wealth ...
17) love to buy bags ~ especially Prada ... as my friends says - devils weear prada.
18) i m single and wish to have a partner soooooooon.... hope so:P
19) I love reading and love hang out at kinokuniya.
20) I'm glad that i have some great friends that always supports me always.
21) Wanna to share with you on the greatness & happiness if your efforts and works been recognized by someone
22) Wanna to share with you on the sadness and disappointment if your efforts and works been recognized by others.
23) I love mille crepe very much. It's a thin layer cake with cream.
24) I love latte... and addicted to all the cafe~ian drinks...
25) It's the last .... thank you for reading the above..
A Lover's Concerto

"How gentle is the rain
That falls softly on the meadow,
Birds high up in the trees
Serenade the clouds with their melodies"
this is the lyrics of ~ a lover's concerto.... this suits with the concept of bridal pictures that i have done for "my wedding magazine". this was inspired me while i did the research and the concept of the photo shoot...
L'amour est sans doute l'émotion humaine la plus forte ~ means Love is perhaps the most important human emotion.... so can you feel the love ???
Thursday, February 12, 2009
15 ways to celebrate valentine's day as a single
It's Valentine's Day, and you're currently without a significant other. This small, but crucial, fact can mean the difference between enjoying this holiday, or ranking it as one of the year's low points (and hey, it's only February…). It's not enough that red, white, and pink roses are popping up everywhere and there are ONLY mushy cards in the card store, and all the commercials focus on just how incredibly diamond studded Valentine's Day could be - for you - IF you were in a romantic relationship. What's billed as the “most romantic night” of the year for couples can leave singles feeling a bit… odd and left out, to say the least.
What's a single person to do?
1) First, recognize that you're definitely not the only one. estimates that more than 80 million people will spend this holiday as a single.
2) Decide what your vision is for Valentine's Day. Is it a day you want to celebrate? Or would you prefer to treat it like just another day? If you choose the latter, then go through your normal routine for February 14, knowing that February 15 will arrive and life will be back to normal (at least until next year…).
3) If you choose to celebrate Valentine's Day consider making it a date night with yourself. Make or order your favorite meal, chill something wonderful to drink. Rent a favorite movie, or buy a new book - whatever makes you feel special and cherished. Make this night sacred time for you to think your thoughts and dream your dreams.
4) If you've been invited to a Valentine's Day party definitely considering going. There's a pretty good chance that you'll meet some other singles to spend time with. This is especially important if you belong to a church or social group which is hosting an event - this could be a high level attraction venue for you, as it will draw others with similar backgrounds or interests. Make sure you look and feel your best.
5) If you have several single friends, consider throwing your own Valentine's Day party. Have every invitee bring a guest - you're likely to meet new people and have fun doing so!
6) If throwing a party feels like too much work, consider getting a group together to go out for dinner and/or dancing. Try to go to a “fun” restaurant such as Planet Hollywood or Hard Rock Café - someplace that is too loud for intimate dinners.
7) Use this day to try (or buy) something new. Pick up a hobby or a craft, cook a new kind of cuisine, work on a home decorating or improvement project. Time will pass quickly while you're beautifying your surroundings.
8) Exercise today! This will clear your skin, tone your body, and keep the endorphins flowing. You'll also feel more relaxed and will sleep better.
9) If you like children, consider offering to watch your friends' kids while they go out to celebrate. You may have a great time baking cookies and building furniture forts and will earn your friends' gratitude in the process.
10) Spend Valentine's Day giving and sharing your talents with other people. Give of yourself on this day- maybe by volunteering or helping out - you'll find yourself tapping in to great joy.
11) Use the night to catch up on your overdue correspondence such as emails, letters, thank you cards. It's another way of reaching out and staying in touch. Plus it will be a relief to clear those off your “to-do” list.
12) Consider spending the evening listening to live music, or hanging out at a local coffee house or bookstore café. You can do your own thing but still be with other people.
13) Draw names and trade Valentines with your friends. They can be fun or silly but they are a great way to solidify your friendships.
14) Use the night to catch up on your sleep. Get ready for bed a bit earlier and wind down sooner. Americans are generally sleep deprived so catch up when you can!
15) Finally, remind yourself that by not spending Valentine's Day with just anyone, you're taking great care of YOU and preparing for a wonderful, life-long relationship!
Happy Valentine's Day!
What's a single person to do?
1) First, recognize that you're definitely not the only one. estimates that more than 80 million people will spend this holiday as a single.
2) Decide what your vision is for Valentine's Day. Is it a day you want to celebrate? Or would you prefer to treat it like just another day? If you choose the latter, then go through your normal routine for February 14, knowing that February 15 will arrive and life will be back to normal (at least until next year…).
3) If you choose to celebrate Valentine's Day consider making it a date night with yourself. Make or order your favorite meal, chill something wonderful to drink. Rent a favorite movie, or buy a new book - whatever makes you feel special and cherished. Make this night sacred time for you to think your thoughts and dream your dreams.
4) If you've been invited to a Valentine's Day party definitely considering going. There's a pretty good chance that you'll meet some other singles to spend time with. This is especially important if you belong to a church or social group which is hosting an event - this could be a high level attraction venue for you, as it will draw others with similar backgrounds or interests. Make sure you look and feel your best.
5) If you have several single friends, consider throwing your own Valentine's Day party. Have every invitee bring a guest - you're likely to meet new people and have fun doing so!
6) If throwing a party feels like too much work, consider getting a group together to go out for dinner and/or dancing. Try to go to a “fun” restaurant such as Planet Hollywood or Hard Rock Café - someplace that is too loud for intimate dinners.
7) Use this day to try (or buy) something new. Pick up a hobby or a craft, cook a new kind of cuisine, work on a home decorating or improvement project. Time will pass quickly while you're beautifying your surroundings.
8) Exercise today! This will clear your skin, tone your body, and keep the endorphins flowing. You'll also feel more relaxed and will sleep better.
9) If you like children, consider offering to watch your friends' kids while they go out to celebrate. You may have a great time baking cookies and building furniture forts and will earn your friends' gratitude in the process.
10) Spend Valentine's Day giving and sharing your talents with other people. Give of yourself on this day- maybe by volunteering or helping out - you'll find yourself tapping in to great joy.
11) Use the night to catch up on your overdue correspondence such as emails, letters, thank you cards. It's another way of reaching out and staying in touch. Plus it will be a relief to clear those off your “to-do” list.
12) Consider spending the evening listening to live music, or hanging out at a local coffee house or bookstore café. You can do your own thing but still be with other people.
13) Draw names and trade Valentines with your friends. They can be fun or silly but they are a great way to solidify your friendships.
14) Use the night to catch up on your sleep. Get ready for bed a bit earlier and wind down sooner. Americans are generally sleep deprived so catch up when you can!
15) Finally, remind yourself that by not spending Valentine's Day with just anyone, you're taking great care of YOU and preparing for a wonderful, life-long relationship!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
lets get into it ~ part 2

here are the 4 other things to adopt in 2009...
7 / the realignment of luxe
I appreciate a nice vicuna hoodie as much as the next guy, but it's also a little disorienting the way luxury has extended its tentacles into even the most mundane wardrobe items over the past few years. Well, thanks to the economic meltdown, I'm expecting that trend to reverse, pushing luxury and utility into their respective corners in 2009. When you think about it, there's something comforting (if not quite silky soft to the touch) about a sweatshirt that's made of good old cotton and not Loro Piana cashmere. (And, of course, an ultraswank Valentino dinner jacket that looks like something you actually had to save up for.)
8/ harrington jackets
created by Baracuta in the thirties and named after Ryan O'Neal's character on Peyton Place in the sixties, the Harrington is having another moment at the end of whatever the hell we're calling this decade. If you don't already have one, now's the time to buy one. (And if you don't like this polka-dot interpretation from Perry Ellis, both A.P.C. and Corpus—not to mention Baracuta—offer more understated versions.)
9/ cuffed shorts
I'm walking the line between reporting and endorsing on this one, though I'll say this: If pleats are involved, the look is probably best left to runway professionals
last but not least,
10/ high-contrast plaid
some trends mean something. others just mean some eye-catching new shit to wear. guess which category this one falls into.
with this 10 tips, hope that you will live, life and fun with fashion...
lets get into it ~ part 1
predicting the future of fashion is next to mission impossible ~ so lets get into it!!!
here, 10 emergent trends that well define how you dress in year 2009. please bare in mind that don't just adopt them all in once!!!
1/ liberty prints
thanks to the green thumbs of labels like Shipley & Halmos (pictured), Obedient Sons, and Liberty of London (which lent its trademark blooms to Steven Alan for shirts, ties, and boxers), look for flowers to have more power than ever in '09.
2/ unstructured shoulders
sport coats continue to soften up in '09, especially in their summer-weight incarnations. this example from Bottega—which is essentially crafted from shirting fabric—allows for maximum style with minimal sweating.
3/ perf's up
look for a proliferation of perforation in the year ahead, courtesy of everyone from Common Projects to Louis Vuitton. and that's just footwear. Labels like Duckie Brown, Gucci, and Hermès carried out their holy obsessions above the waist. (Just remember: I said perforated, not mesh.)

4/ backpacks for grown-ups
maybe it's because more people are riding their bikes to work, or maybe it's because messenger bags are just dorky, but we haven't seen so many nicely designed backpacks in a while (though we're going to go ahead and recommend you skip the bunched-up trousers look).
5/ featherweight windbreaker
sharp-looking, and as an added bonus, it won't take up too much space in that new backpack.
6/ separates
seriously, they're not just for Joseph A. Bank shoppers anymore. all-American names like Tommy and Ralph sent the look—by which we mean blazers paired with slightly mismatched trousers— down Spring runways, as did the suiting gurus at Zegna, seen here.
here, 10 emergent trends that well define how you dress in year 2009. please bare in mind that don't just adopt them all in once!!!
1/ liberty prints
thanks to the green thumbs of labels like Shipley & Halmos (pictured), Obedient Sons, and Liberty of London (which lent its trademark blooms to Steven Alan for shirts, ties, and boxers), look for flowers to have more power than ever in '09.
2/ unstructured shoulders
sport coats continue to soften up in '09, especially in their summer-weight incarnations. this example from Bottega—which is essentially crafted from shirting fabric—allows for maximum style with minimal sweating.
3/ perf's up
look for a proliferation of perforation in the year ahead, courtesy of everyone from Common Projects to Louis Vuitton. and that's just footwear. Labels like Duckie Brown, Gucci, and Hermès carried out their holy obsessions above the waist. (Just remember: I said perforated, not mesh.)

4/ backpacks for grown-ups
maybe it's because more people are riding their bikes to work, or maybe it's because messenger bags are just dorky, but we haven't seen so many nicely designed backpacks in a while (though we're going to go ahead and recommend you skip the bunched-up trousers look).
5/ featherweight windbreaker
sharp-looking, and as an added bonus, it won't take up too much space in that new backpack.
6/ separates
seriously, they're not just for Joseph A. Bank shoppers anymore. all-American names like Tommy and Ralph sent the look—by which we mean blazers paired with slightly mismatched trousers— down Spring runways, as did the suiting gurus at Zegna, seen here.
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